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"If you have capability, never do it alone. Gather your assets, exceed the capability. Be an asset."

Blog #7

Challenges and Solutions

TimelineJS: One of the main issues I encountered was using TimelineJS. Initially, the tool was not intuitive for me, particularly in formatting and entering data correctly. The timeline needed precise dates and formatting to display the information accurately, which was a bit overwhelming at first. However, after spending some time exploring tutorials and several trial and error attempts, I managed to understand the workflow better. I learned how to structure the data in a compatible way, which allowed me to effectively illustrate the chronological events and significant discoveries related to female gladiators.

Google Map/Story Map: Implementing the Story Map also came with its set of challenges, primarily in terms of integrating relevant geographic data and aligning it with historical facts. Pinpointing exact locations for events and findings that are centuries old required careful research and verification. To overcome this, I utilized academic resources and cross-referenced multiple sources to ensure the accuracy of the locations I was mapping.

Added Value of Visualizations

The inclusion of these visual tools in the project has significantly enriched the narrative. TimelineJS allowed me to present a chronological visualization of the history of female gladiators, making it easier for viewers to grasp the timeline of events and their historical context. This linear presentation helps illustrate the evolution of societal attitudes toward female gladiators over different periods.

Using Google Map/Story Map added a spatial dimension to the exhibit, which helps in understanding the geographical spread and cultural influence of Roman gladiatorial games. It makes the historical context more tangible for the audience, providing a visual connection between the locations and the events that took place there.

Incorporating into the Final Project

In my final project, I plan to further refine these visualizations. The timeline will be updated with additional entries as more research is compiled, providing a more comprehensive view of the era. For the Story Map, I aim to integrate more interactive elements, such as clickable icons that reveal more details about each location, including images of artifacts or quotations from historical documents.

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